Hello and welcome to my portfolio.

I am Svitlana Urbanska, an English into Ukrainian Audiovisual Translator from Lviv, Ukraine. 

I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Contrastive Linguistics (Lviv Ivan Franko National University) specializing in English-Ukrainian translation, Spanish language, and language teaching.

Regarding my own linguistic experience, I loved languages and literature since I was a child. I’m still constantly polishing my language skills, attending training courses, and traveling whenever I can. I'm currently studying Polish and improving my Spanish skills.

Since the time I was studying at school, I started doing what I love the most: translating creative content. I've also had an opportunity to teach as an ESL Instructor for Ukrainian adult students.

These days I'm working as a Localization Board Coordinator in an IT company Welltech where I manage the work of freelance translators to localize health & fitness apps. 

I have various hobbies - I love reading, gardening, running, cinema, and writing poetry. In my hometown, Lviv, I organize a movie club where we discuss various films and a Spanish-speaking club where tourists and locals can meet up and chat in Spanish.

I’ll be glad to help you out with your projects.